Debian polygen grammars

This is a bzr repository of random Debian-related polygen grammars.

To play with the repository or the grammars, do this:

  1. [as root] apt-get install bzr
  2. bzr branch

Don't forget, of course, to apt-get install polygen polygen-data and keep the /usr/share/doc/polygen/HOWTO-Refman.en.html reference manual handy.

You will then have all the grammars locally, which you can use and change at will. If you want to share your changes, you can:

  1. run bzr commit to record your changes;
  2. copy all the polygen-debian directory to some public webspace;
  3. tell people the address where you published your directory.

This will allow everyone else to bzr pull your changes into their working copy, and these mutual of bzr pull operations can be repeated at will.

To play with the group, please add a new entry to the Makefile to pull from your tree, commit and send me a mail with the URL of your bzr tree.
